Our programme at Temple Music Foundation on Friday 13th October, generously supported by the Continuo Foundation, celebrates an organ battle! The famous Temple Church, refurbished in 1682 under the direction of none other than Christopher Wren, decided to purchase a brand new organ, but the Societies of the Inner and Middle Temple disagreed upon which maker should build it, and the issue was not resolved for several years! Eighteenth-century music historians Charles Burney and John Hawkins both wrote about this "battle" between two of the foremost organ builders of their age, Renatus Harris and Bernhard Smith, and the lengths to which they (and their supporters!) went to win the contract once and for all. For a long time, two organs stood in the Temple Church, and were demonstrated by virtuoso organists of the day.
The two players demonstrating the winning instrument (spoiler-alert, it was Smith) were none other than Henry Purcell and his teacher John Blow, and it's their music we'll be performing in the very church where they showed off their skills over 300 years ago!
Ahead of "Celestial Music did the Gods Inspire", our harpsichord Thomas Allery and our recorder player Mary-Jannet Leith chat about the the launch of the Hesperi Voices, the spirit of chamber music, and more! Book your tickets here.